TOMCC Membership Form (Test)

MEMBERSHIP FEES: Membership Financial Year is 1st July to 30th June.
Joining fee: $25.00
Membership Fee: $50.00 per annum
Associate Member Fee: $40.00 per annum
Re-joining Fee: $12.50 – applies if renewal is received after 31 July.
Pro-rata “new member” rates applicable – $12.50 per quarter or part thereof.

Direct Deposit may be made to our Bank Account. You MUST use your full name
as the reference when paying AND then post/email this Form to us. Failure to do
both will be considered as non-payment and no money can be refunded as we
can’t verify the Payee.

Bank Account: TOMCC
BSB: 033134
ACC No: 277508

Postal Address: TOMCC Memberships, P.O. Box 257, Belgrave 3160

TOMCC New Member Form (TEST)
Include Year, Model, Capacity
Include Year, Model, Capacity
Full Member is someone who owns a Triumph-engined motorcycle of any year or capacity. (Bike must be shown before Membership is granted.) Associate Member: is someone who does not own a Triumph motorcycle but chooses to be part of the club.
Please select the intended payment method. See for payment details
Please enter any extra information you want to provide to the club.
I agree to abide by all the rules and regulations and also to alterations and additions that may arise from time to time
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