TOMCC Membership Form (Test)

MEMBERSHIP FEES: Membership Financial Year is 1st July to 30th June.
Joining fee: $25.00
Membership Fee: $50.00 per annum
Associate Member Fee: $40.00 per annum
Re-joining Fee: $12.50 – applies if renewal is received after 31 July.
Pro-rata “new member” rates applicable – $12.50 per quarter or part thereof.

Direct Deposit may be made to our Bank Account. You MUST use your full name
as the reference when paying AND then post/email this Form to us. Failure to do
both will be considered as non-payment and no money can be refunded as we
can’t verify the Payee.

Bank Account: TOMCC
BSB: 033134
ACC No: 277508

Postal Address: TOMCC Memberships, P.O. Box 257, Belgrave 3160

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