
Flowerdale Run Cancelled – Norton Owners Club

We have received the below from the Norton Owners Club:

Unfortunately due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions in Melbourne the Norton Owners club have cancelled our annual run to Flowerdale scheduled for Sunday 8th November. 

Thank you for your past support for this event. Hopefully we can all resume our usual activities next year. 

Memberships due for 2020-21!

What a year so far, and not really in a good way!

Due to the issues around COVID-19 and the ability of the club to meet and run events, the membership fees for 2020-21 have been waived.

However, you still need to complete and return the membership form!

Hope everyone is keeping well, stay safe, and we’ll see each other soon we hope.

Congratulations to the New Committee!

Congratulations to the new President, Mark Chrisfield, and thank you to outgoing President and new Vice President Nick Potter.

Congratulations and sincere thanks to continuing Secretary, Sue Chrisfield

Congratulations to Handle Vassallo our new (returning) Treasurer, and thanks to Craig Harris for his work as Treasurer.

Martin Brown continues to be in charge of Club Plates & Membership – thanks Martin

Sonia Harrison continues to look after Regalia, ably assisted by Granny.

Wendy and Trevor continue as Webmasters and Facebook Gatekeepers.

Club Captain is Ched.

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