TOMCC Ride To Noojee

Nine bikes met up at the servo, a nice collection of Tigers, Thruxtons, Speedmasters, Rockets, Thunderbirds and a lone Harley.

It was beautiful riding weather and the route Simon took us, via the back roads through Pakenham, was great. The freeway was boring but the two cop cars and the speed camera left us alone.

Another Thunderbird joined us before the Neerim South pub.
After a refreshing beverage, we blitzed the short but interesting ride to Noojee.

Triumph motorcycle club at Noojee Great day trip

The Noojee hotel was packed with punters, and the car park with bikes. We met the Melbourne Moto Ladies, an all female riding club, who we invited to the link run (thanks Dan for bringing flyers).

Another two Harleys joined us for lunch and the ride to the Powelly Pub, followed by stopping by the Cunningham at Yarra junction for a boogie before parting ways.
Good roads, good weather, good people made for a good ride.

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